Monday, August 21, 2006

East Texan Fairs Well In Shooting Competition

Remember B.J. Norris? He's the 17-year-old speed shooter from Tyler who is trying to one day win a world championship. He took part in the Steel Challenge this past weekend in Piru, California. The Steel Challenge is the world speed shooting championships. Well, B.J. didn't win a world title, but he came awfully close. Here's an e-mail I just received from his Dad:

We got back from CA late last night. BJ finished sixth, not what he was hoping for but overall he was pleased with his performance. He started the day off in the second super squad and shot the first two stages well enough to be moved into the squad with the top shooters after his third stage. He won Roundabout, the stage you filmed him shooting, only .2 second off of the World Record and then finished the match strong with a stage win and set a new World Record on Accelerator. In addition to his sixth place finish he was High Jr.
Thanks again for the positive coverage.
Tim Norris

Congratulations to B.J.! I know he wanted that world championship but come on, he's only 17! Look out next year.

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